Planning for Registration

8:30 a.m.—5 p.m.

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 7225
Winston-Salem, NC 27109

It’s all about class.
You will register for your fall classes online in July. Although your personal lower-division adviser will not be assigned to you yet, there are many resources available to help you plan, including academic counselors in the Office of Academic Advising. You will register for your spring semester courses in November.
Your registration can be accomplished using any device with internet access. Your access to registration begins at the assigned time and ends July 12 at 5 p.m. EDT, so you can register for classes at any time that is most convenient for you once your registration time opens. For more information, see the Registration page.
If you will be unavailable the entire week of registration, please contact the Office of Academic Advising prior to June 28.
Registration resources

These are some resources to help you along the way.
- UPDATED JULY 2: message about registration – including important onboarding tasks in Workday that must be completed prior to registration – from the Office of the University Registrar.
- The Class Registration section of this website.
- Advising resources, including pre-professional advising resources, on the Office of Academic Advising website.
- A high level overview video of our academic requirements.
- All incoming students will have the opportunity to be advised during the month of June.
- Check out the Undergraduate Bulletin for important information on courses, policies, and other academic information.
- Departmental Course Guides provide guidance for students who already have specific majors or minors in mind (but know it’s OK if you don’t have a major in mind yet!)
- Course Completion Checklist. A list of all courses that count for basic and divisional credit in a particular academic year.
- Academic counselors in the Office of Academic Advising are available at 336.758.3320 and during business hours.
- Be sure to check for timely email messages sent from the Office of Academic Advising and the Office of the University Registrar with information about choosing courses and registration.
What does a typical schedule look like?
Consult with an academic counselor if you have specific questions, but a typical first-semester schedule is 12-15 credits and includes:
- FYS or WRI 111 (or 109) but not both in the same semester*
- Foreign language
- Divisional requirement (in a subject you like or are good at, or is a prerequisite for a potential major)**
- Divisional requirement (in a subject you like or are good at, or is a prerequisite for a potential major)**
- Bonus class(es) — this could be another divisional, an elective, or a combination of 1- & 1.5-credit classes such as HES 100, LIB 100, EDU 120
*You can use the information you get from our First Year Writing Decision Tool to make a decision about which course to register for in July. We do not recommend that you take FYS (the first-year seminar) at the same time that you take WRI 111, since it is 4 credits, but it would be fine to take FYS at the same time you take WRI 109 or WRI 110 since they are each just 2 credit hours.
**Pre-business majors and students interested in health careers should see the Pre-Professional Advising website.
Steps to complete prior to registration
The Writing Program offers a couple of options to fulfill the College’s Basic Writing Requirement: WRI 109 and 110 or WRI 111.
To fulfill this writing requirement, students must take 4 Writing credits: either WRI 109 (2 hrs, fall semester) and WRI 110 (2 hrs, spring semester), OR WRI 111 (4 hrs, fall or spring semester). WRI 109 and WRI 110 are intended for students with demanding academic and/or extracurricular commitments, who have not practiced writing recently, or who would like to take more time with their writing projects. Alternatively, WRI 111 is intended for students who have practiced writing recently, who feel ready to write frequently, and/or who seek to finish the Basic Writing Requirement in a single semester.
To help you decide which course(s) work best for you and your needs during the first year, you will be asked to complete a short questionnaire about your reading and writing experiences and your expectations for your first semester at Wake Forest.
As part of this questionnaire, you will be asked which course(s) you plan to register for. This is a reflective questionnaire only and will not determine your course schedule in any way.
For questionnaire instructions, course descriptions, and contact information, visit the College Writing Requirement page.
If you think your academic past can be part of your Wake Forest future, we want to hear all about it.
AP/IB credit is reviewed and awarded by the Office of the University Registrar. Some of these credits will serve as a prerequisite for higher-level courses. AP/IB credit cannot be used to satisfy divisional requirements. However, credits earned through AP/IB will count toward the 120 hours necessary to graduate. Instructions for submitting scores are below.
Students often forget to send scores from previous years; log in to your College Board profile to make sure all your scores are sent to Wake Forest. For tests taken in 2024: If you indicated that Wake Forest should receive your scores when you took the test(s), no action is needed. If you did not indicate Wake Forest as a college to receive your scores when you took the 2024 test(s), you will need to log in to your College Board profile when you receive an email (in early July) with your 2024 test scores.
Available online May 10, due July 1, prior to registration
You must complete the FLP test if you have studied any of the following languages: Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Russian or Spanish. Each test will take between 1 and 1.5 hours to complete. You should take the FLP test for any language(s) studied in high school, even if you intend to start the study of a new language (in case you change your mind in the future).
If you know you scored 3 or higher on an AP language exam or 6 or higher on an IB foreign language higher-level test, you do not need to take the FLP test because your foreign language placement will be based on your AP/ IB score. (See Step 2 for instructions on how to report your official AP/IB scores.)
If it is after June 20 and your AP/IB scores have not been applied to your academic record or you do not know the results of your AP/IB scores, complete the FLP test. Your placement will be adjusted if a late-arriving AP/IB score indicates a different placement.
If English is your second language, do not take the FLP test in your native language. You might be exempt from the foreign language requirement. Please contact Ms. Margaret Clayton ( for more information.
When registering for your foreign language:
If starting a new language, start at the level 101 or 111.
If continuing with a language you previously studied, enroll in the class in which you are placed through the FLP test or AP/IB score. If you believe your placement score is inaccurate, register as directed by your score, but discuss your concerns with your foreign language professor once you arrive on campus. Students will not receive credit for a class at a lower level than the level of their placement without following the procedure outlined in the Undergraduate Bulletin under “Foreign Language Placements”.
Due: May 31 (available May 1)
You should begin the GPS when you receive it. It will help you 1). prepare for June Advising, 2). complete course selection for the fall semester, 3). explore more intentionally your academic plans and goals, and 4). help your lower-division adviser get to know you better.
You may submit the GPS anytime between May 1 and 11:59 p.m. EDT on May 31. Regardless of when you submit your GPS, review your answers carefully since you will not be able to make changes to the GPS once submitted. The GPS will help your lower-division advisor advise you more effectively by apprising them of your interests, concerns, and academic plans.
Advising for pre-professional interests
Careers in the health professions (e.g., medicine, dentistry, veterinary, physician’s assistant, physical therapy, nursing) do not require a particular major, but they do require planning in order to complete requirements and take advantage of additional learning opportunities such as study abroad. Most pre-health students will take one or two science classes in the first semester.
Visit the Prehealth @ WFU website for important information about course recommendations based on your AP/IB experience and projected major.
There are no specific requirements for students interested in attending law school. You are encouraged to take courses that develop your skills and interests, challenge you to think critically and creatively, and prepare you to read, write and communicate well.
Visit the Pre-Law Advising website for more information.
Admission to the School of Business undergraduate program is by formal application in January of the sophomore year, and applicants are screened by the School’s Committee on Admissions, Continuation and Scholarships. The number of students that can be accommodated is limited, and meeting the minimum requirements is not a guarantee of admission. The School of Business, therefore, reserves the right to grant or deny admission or readmission to any student even though they meet the minimum requirements.
For more details about admission requirements, visit the 2024–2025 Undergraduate Bulletin.
The Pre-Wall Street Career Track will provide early and focused professional preparation for qualified Wake Forest students intending to pursue careers in investment banking, asset management, sales & trading, and private equity on a global basis.
Visit the Pre-Wall Street Career Track website for more information.
Advanced Placement scores
Wake Forest needs to receive your AP scores directly from the College Board. Log in to your College Board profile no later than June 20 to request that your scores be sent to the Office of the University Registrar (college code 5885). If you request your scores by this date, they may be received at Wake Forest University in time for registration in July. You must complete this process to ensure that the University Registrar receives your official scores, even if you submitted AP scores with your admissions application or prior to your enrollment. Please note that score processing may take up to two weeks once Wake Forest receives the scores from the College Board. Scores of 4 or 5 will generally result in AP credit, but there are exceptions.
Refer to the Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate page for information on credit awarded, course equivalency and exemptions for specific tests and scores.
International Baccalaureate scores
Official IB transcripts must be submitted to the Office of the University Registrar. Contact your IB program coordinator or submit a request through the IB website as soon as possible.
Refer to the Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate page for more information regarding transcript submission, credit awarded, course equivalency and exemptions.
Checking credits awarded
To determine if your AP/IB credits have been applied to your academic record, go to Workday> View Profile > Academics > Transfer Credit.
If you believe you will have AP/IB credit for a course but it is not recorded on your transcript by the time of registration, do not register for the course in question. Most students do not want to take a class at Wake Forest for which they will obtain AP/IB credit. Qualifying scores received later will still gain you course credit.
Foreign Language Placement
Information for students looking to take the Foreign Language Placement test.
Don’t Forget!
Make sure you check your WFU email regularly. You will be receiving important emails that contain information regarding surveys, registration, and orientation events.