Campus Life

Be your best self!
College is more fun when you’re safe and healthy. Know where to find the support that can lead to balance by familiarizing yourself with these key resources.

Office of Wellbeing
Wellbeing is about much more than physical health. It is an eight-dimensional balancing act that leaves us best able to cope with adversity through resilience, build rewarding relationships and live with a sense of purpose.

Campus Recreation
Stay active through our fitness programs, intramurals and club sports, outdoor pursuits, and our indoor and outdoor fitness facilities.

Division I sports are an exciting part of the Wake Forest experience. Learn how to get tickets to games, to be a Screamin’ Demon, and fun athletics facts. Go Deacs!

Spiritual Life
The Chaplain’s Office, Campus Ministry, and Religious Life Staff work to create worship opportunities that are compelling and that enrich the lives of students, faculty, and staff. All are welcome.

Student Engagement
Learn more about how to get involved with campus activities, clubs, and organizations. Our office’s motto is “helping every Deacon find their place!”

Sustainability at Wake Forest
Be part of a greener Wake Forest! Learn to acquire skills, develop values, and initiate practices that contribute to a sustainable, high quality of life on campus and beyond.

Office of Civic & Community Engagement
In the spirit of Pro Humanitate, learn about ways to get connected to community-based activities to create meaningful social change in our local Winston-Salem community and beyond.

WFU Facts & Traditions
Build up your school spirit by learning the fight song and alma mater, finding out what Pro Humanitate means, and discovering some of our cherished campus traditions.