Academic Resources

We’ve got you!
Whether you’re looking for a little help with your fundamentals, trying to secure the right tools for success or even hoping to fine-tune the areas in which you already excel, this Forest is overflowing with ways to supplement your classwork and hone your academic skills.
These resources exist to encourage you, challenge you and support you along the path that leads to the realization of your full potential. Seek them out early and often, as they can ensure your success in the classroom and enhance your intellectual growth across your entire Wake Forest journey—and beyond.
Office of Academic Advising
The Office of Academic Advising (OAA) strives to help students achieve their potential as whole persons. Toward this end, we provide students with caring and timely individual guidance, connection to resources, help in problem-solving, support for development of relationships within the Wake Forest community, and encouragement toward intentional choices and responsibility. To achieve this mission, we actively collaborate with academic advisors, professors, and many others in the Wake Forest community.
OAA assists students in choosing courses and making decisions, both inside and outside of the classroom, that reflect thoughtfulness, exploration, open-mindedness, creativity, appropriate risk-taking and willingness to learn from challenges. OAA also monitors student academic progress, aiming to intervene as early and proactively as possible when problems arise.
OAA offers walk-in hours every Monday-Friday from 12 p.m.-4 p.m. in Reynolda Hall, Room 125. These brief, 5-10 minute conversations allow students to ask questions about a range of topics, from credit overages to medical leaves of absence.
Math & Stats Center
The Math & Stats Center offers free peer tutoring for Wake Forest students enrolled in classes in the Mathematics and Statistical Sciences departments. Assistance is available via one-on-one appointments or group study sessions. Students may reserve one appointment per day and two appointments per week.
Students may also request recurring appointments for the semester. Recurring appointments will schedule the student to meet with the same tutor at the same time and same day each week.
Students who do not have an appointment may drop by the Math & Stats Center, Kirby Hall, Room 117, to see when a tutor is available, or they may attend group student sessions. Math & Stats Center hours, the link to PLANNER and the study session schedule will be available within the first few weeks of each semester on the Math & Stats Center website.
We invite you to stop by and see how we can help!
The Writing Center
The Writing Center offers students a relaxed and welcoming place to discuss writing and the writing process with trained peer tutors. The Writing Center is a free resource which is staffed by undergraduate and graduate students; these tutors ask questions to help students discover what they want to say – effectively. Because everyone writes differently, tutors tailor their assistance to meet each student’s needs.
Students may make appointments online, by phone, or by visiting the Writing Center in Z. Smith Reynolds Library, Room 426.
The center is open Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., and Sunday through Thursday, 7-10 p.m. Both in-person and online appointments are available.
Office of the University Registrar
The Office of the University Registrar functions as an academic service office to the Wake Forest community, managing registration for classes, keeping the academic records for the University, and overseeing the security and privacy of these records.
The University Registrar will announce important academic dates and the details of academic procedures throughout the year.
The office is located in Reynolda Hall, Room 110. For other academic services provided, visit the Registrar’s website.
Center for Learning, Access, and Student Success
The Center for Learning, Access, and Student Success (CLASS) provides academic coaching and peer tutoring. Academic coaching focuses on familiarizing the student with study, time management and organizational strategies that enable successful learning at the college level. Our peer tutoring program offers students individual or group tutoring, at no cost, in many courses, including foreign languages.
CLASS also coordinates accommodations for students with disabilities.
Find them in Reynolda Hall, Room 118. The center is open Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Walk-in hours are Monday through Friday from 1-4 p.m.
Chemistry Center
The Chemistry Center, located in Salem 109, is open Sunday through Thursday, 5-9 p.m. for free peer-to-peer drop-in tutoring. Tutoring starts the second week of classes where chemistry majors can help you navigate course material from lecture and lab.
For current information on opening date and all services offered, visit our website or check out our Instagram (@wfuchmcntr).
Computer Science Center
Located in Manchester Hall, Room 241, the center is open Monday through Thursday, 6:30-8:30 p.m.