Office of Wellbeing

8:30 a.m.—5 p.m.

Mailing Address
1834 Wake Forest Road
Winston-Salem, NC 27109

You’re a balancing act. We can help.
In the Wake Forest tradition of educating the whole person, we are committed to sustaining a multidimensional culture of health and wellbeing that will benefit our students long after they leave the Forest.
Wellbeing is about much more than physical health. Here, it’s a multifaceted balancing act that—when maintained properly—leaves us best able to cope with adversity, build rewarding relationships and live with a sense of purpose. Thrive is a campus-wide initiative—owned by every member of the Wake Forest University community. The Office of Wellbeing leads the campus in making wellbeing a part of every experience in the lives of our students, faculty and staff.
What you need to know
Prevention programs
Wake Forest University is committed to providing a safe, secure and healthy environment for all members of the University community. As part of our comprehensive program for first-year students, Wake Forest University requires you to complete four online programs to prevent and reduce intended or unintended harm on campus:
- AlcoholEdu is designed to increase students’ knowledge, decrease harmful behaviors, and provide information for safe decision-making in your college years and beyond. In ongoing support of this prevention training, The Office of Wellbeing coordinates the Wake Forest University Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) misuse prevention, education, and intervention programs. The mission of the WFU AOD program is to gain a greater understanding of the dynamics of alcohol and other drug misuse in our community, provide prevention and education programming, intervention and support services, and resources to individuals and groups, and empower students to make healthy choices.
- As part of Wake Forest University’s efforts to prevent sexual misconduct and interpersonal violence, students are required to complete Part 1 of Sexual Assault Prevention for Undergraduates, an online course supported through the Title IX office that defines behaviors that constitute sexual misconduct, ways to prevent sexual misconduct through bystander intervention, the avenues that are available to report sexual misconduct and the support resources available for students.
- The Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Course is designed to enhance your awareness of experiences others may have had or might have, experiences related to differences in our society and on our campus. By the end of the course, students will have a basic understanding of the differences that make our campus a community of students, staff, faculty and supporters that value one another.
- Supported by Student Engagement, the Hazing Prevention 101™ Course – College Edition is designed to provide evidence-based best practices that teach you how to recognize, prevent and report hazing.
Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) safety
The Office of Wellbeing coordinates Wake Forest’s alcohol and other drugs (AOD) misuse prevention program. The office offers a number of services: AOD-related workshops, training and programming; private AOD individual assessments and brief consultation to students, parents, faculty and staff with regard to AOD concerns; referrals to community support services; and support for individuals in recovery from addiction.
Safer Sex Express
Safer Sex Express is a free condom and safer sex supplies delivery service for students. Through a confidential online order form, students can order a variety of materials to be discreetly delivered to their campus mailbox within a week. The Safer Sex Express is a great way for students to try out new products while also learning about consent and campus resources that support their sexual health.
Interpersonal violence prevention
The Office of Wellbeing oversees the university wide interpersonal violence prevention program. Interpersonal violence is inclusive of sexual assault, sexual harassment, intimate partner violence, and stalking. The office offers training and workshops to groups as well as hosts large-scale events for the community. It is also important that prevention efforts be environmental, including policy changes and systems and settings-wide approaches. Wake Forest is guided by a comprehensive prevention plan to make Wake a safer, healthier place for everyone.
Wellbeing coaching
Work with a certified coach to identify professional or personal goals around any of the eight dimensions of wellbeing. Develop action plans to achieve your goals and measure your progress.
ResilientWake seeks to create a culture that supports each one of us and our collective to cope well with the inevitable challenges and changes that life can bring. Through programs, workshops, social media posts, ResilientWake provides content on learning practical mind-body skills, cultivating intentional thoughts and reactions, and building healthy and sustainable relationships. ResilientWake encourages students to harness all of these skills in a method of inclusive leadership and collaboration across personal and professional contexts.
Peer education
Peer Educators are highly knowledgeable, well-resourced students who teach, guide, and promote health and wellbeing at Wake Forest University. With support from the University Counseling Center and Safe Office, The Office of Wellbeing serves as the center for peer education on campus. Go here to see a list of all the peer education groups housed within the Office of Wellbeing, along with information on how to get involved.
Sleepin’ Deacon
Sleepin’ Deacon is the Office of Wellbeing’s annual campus-wide initiative which focuses on sleep education and the promotion of healthy sleep habits. This two-week challenge engages students to improve their current sleeping habits. During the 2-weeks, students will be asked to record their sleep daily as well as their sleep hygiene practices.