What to Expect Over the Summer

A Roadmap to What’s Ahead
As you get started on your Wake Forest journey, we want to share some important practical information about things you will need to be doing over the summer, as well as how to prepare mentally for some of the college adjustments to come.

Check your WFU email regularly
Throughout the next few months, you will be regularly receiving emails at your WFU email address that will contain information about important dates, opportunities and summer tasks. Students should check their WFU email account regularly—at least once a week if not more often—in order to stay up-to-date.

Work through the New Student Checklist
The New Student Checklist shows all of the tasks you must complete over the summer, as well as when they are due. Please ensure you are taking care of all tasks by their deadline. This will be great practice for navigating the fall semester independently!

Have a June Academic Advising call
During the month of June, new students are encouraged to contact the Office of Academic Advising to have an advising session with an academic adviser.

Register for classes
Registration for fall classes will take place over the summer. In early July, the Office of the University Registrar will notify you via your WFU Google Mail to let you know when you can check Workday to find your assigned registration day and time.
Mentally Preparing for the Adjustment to College
College is filled with lots of adjustments. Here’s a few you want to start thinking about over the summer.
You’ve got this!

College isn’t supposed to be easy. Nothing worthwhile ever is. This experience that everyone has told you will be the time of your life can be pretty uncomfortable at times. You are joining a new community, living with strangers and wrestling with high-level academics.
The highs and lows of college are real, and opportunity awaits in how you choose to handle both. Use the resources on campus (we will talk about those throughout this website!), seek help when you need it and push yourself past the limits of your comfort zone. No one succeeds on their own.
Regardless of how it may look or feel, you are not alone—in your struggles or achievements. Be relentless, genuine and unapologetic in pursuit of your growth. It’s why you’re here.
Finding your people

If you miss the life you had before college, you’re not doing something wrong. It means you’re human. When change threatens the familiarity of routines and relationships you spent years building, it’s only natural to want your normal back. It will take time to build a new network here, and that timetable is different for everyone. For a lucky few, it’s friendship at first sight with a new roommate. For many others, that’s simply not the case. It takes patience and more than a little bravery to find your place and your people.
“At first, I felt so different from everyone else. But there are a ton of niches here for you to grow and find your people.”
Mariana Trabinino (’21)
“Take advantage of Office Hours. Faculty want to get to know you.”
Morna O‘Neill, Associate Professor of Art
You’re running the show
For maybe the first time ever, you are in charge. You can choose to hit the books, sleep till noon, eat whenever and whatever, head downtown, drive to the mountains, hang out alone in your room or party all night with friends. Increased personal freedom and responsibility are a big part of college. And a lot of what you learn will come from experiences outside the classroom. Embrace it. But choose what you do wisely. Rules can be a good thing when you come up with them yourself. And remember — you’re on your own, but you’re not alone. We are here to help, but it’s on you to make it happen!
“Do not try to ‘fake it until you make it.’ That’s a huge disaster. Tell someone what you don’t know and be vulnerable in the moment.”
Jarrod Atchison ( ‘01, MA ‘03), Director of Debate and Associate Professor, Department of Communication
It’s about time (management)
Managing your time can be a challenge. College won’t be as structured as high school, and freedom overload can get the best of even the most organized student. You’ll be juggling tough class assignments and countless opportunities to avoid them. Plus, there’s laundry. It’s a balancing act, and all the new responsibilities can be overwhelming. So take a deep breath, and ask for help when you need it. With a little trial and error, you’ll find a formula that works for you.
Luckily, CLASS Academic Coaches are ready to help you with your time management challenges! Schedule a one-on-one meeting with an academic coach to discuss time management strategies and more to help you find success this first semester and beyond.
“Don’t be afraid to say ‘no.’ It’s just not possible to do everything.”
Sandeep Mazumder, former department chair and Associate Professor of Economics
New Deac 101
Online Summer Orientation
Dates: Available in July
New Deac 101 is an online course in Canvas that all students will complete in the summer before arriving on campus. New Deac 101 is expected to launch in mid-July, and you will receive details about how to access the course and when each module will need to be completed.
A-Z of WFU
A glossary of terms to help undergraduate students and families understand some of the basic terminology and offices of Wake Forest
Who to Contact for…
Have a question and you aren’t sure who to contact? Use this list to guide you.